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Riccardo Frascio begins his commercial career as a representative of hand and machine blades, to which he later combines the representation of alternative saws. Attentive to the evolution of new cutting technologies, in 1975 he founded the current company, creating the RI.F.STAHL brand. It develops the sector of disk saws and therefore that of band saws, succeeding in establishing itself both on the national territory and abroad.
The Frascio Riccardo S.r.l. is able to satisfy any cutting need, thanks to a close collaboration with the best manufacturers in the world and a team of highly specialized technicians and personnel. The production department represents the most technological in the market. The commercial organization is present throughout the national territory and abroad makes use of qualified distributors.

Riccardo Frascio issues the first invoice of his company on July 4th 1975. At that time the headquarters of the company was in Brescia, in his family house. He was selling hack saw blades and hand saw as well as Kasto sawing machines. Ri.F.Stahl brand was established that year.

At the start of 1976 Frascio family moved to Rezzato. As the business volume was growing Riccardo could point to a new evolving cutting technology: band saw blades.
For the excellent commercial results reached Riccardo Frascio is awarded with the "Apollo d’oro" (Oscar of economic activities) and "Leone d’oro".

Following the technological evolution of cutting tools, Riccardo introduced the new HM circular saw blades in his company catalogue. Since the beginning of his activity Riccardo Frascio has been supported by his wife Maria Angela and by a group of highly specialized collaborators.

Great changes in 1992. A new headquarters of 450 square meter of office, warehouse and production department his inaugurated in Rezzato.
Orders continued to flood in and production rose 500 pieces per day thanks to the introduction of new line of machinery and welding machines.

To meet the growing demand of space and equipment in the processing and production department, Ri.F.Stahl company moves to the new 1,700 square meter facility located right in front of the old site. Is established a new company, Frascio s.r.l., which still represents the best brands of band saw machines and metal cutting machines.

To give to customers the most complete solution for cutting it started a collaboration with Dalt Assistance s.r.l., a service center for sawing machines, cutting machines and machine tool.

A showroom with offices and warehouse in Padua has been operational since 2007. Since the beginning the company warehouse department has played a fundamental role. In 2013 was covering 1.000 square meters. Ri.F.Stahl warehouse represents one of the most widely supplied in Europe.
Frascio Group was born in January 2009, thanks to the will and merit of Lorenzo, son of the founder Riccardo. Lorenzo always participated in company life, occupying all types of tasks over the years. His strong innovative nature has transformed the family business into an established and well-known international group, that his able to deal with the major world players in the sector.

In July 2012 the expansion of the group's headquarters is completed with the offices of Frascio s.r.l. and of Dalt Assistance s.r.l. bringing the size of the building to 3,000 square meters.

With the Open Day of 10 and 11 May 2013 the cutting machines showroom of Frascio s.r.l. is inaugurated.
ISO 9001:2015
Frascio Riccardo s.r.l. is also developing the sector of circular saws blades for pipes and solid bars cutting. Due to the continuous evolution of carbide tipped circular saw blades is required an high level of technical knowledge and preparation to offer the customer the best cutting solution.

The future
The impulse given by Lorenzo has allowed Ri.F.Stahl companies to be present in over 35 European and non-European countries. Thanks to its constant evolution, the productions department of Riccardo Frascio s.r.l. today is defined by the manufacturers of band saw blades as one of the best in the world for the high technology of the systems, personnel’s qualification and the use of a modern process that guarantees the monitoring of all the operations.