Instructions for a correct use of band saw blades.
Use the band saw blade correctly in 8 steps
1. Before setting up the saw blade, check for correct adjustment and wear of both carbide platelets located inside the blade guides device and its bearings. The side play must be minimal (0.03 ÷ 0.04 mm), in such a way as to ensure a correct coupling and at the same time allow the insertion and sliding of the blade without forcing. Excessive play cause, in addition to the low yield and duration of the blade, a series of serious drawbacks (ginning of the toothing, crooked cuts, etc..).
2. Check the status and dilution of the coolant, which has two important functions:
- Prevents overheating of the blade, extending the operating life.
- Prevents attachment of shavings to the groove of the teeth or to the work piece and allows the evacuation from the cutting area.
3. Check the correspondence of the direction of the toothing as regards to the direction of rotation and proceed to the assembly of the blade complete of its plastic teeth protection .After you can remove it thus avoiding to cause injury to yourself and / or damage the toothing, caused by involuntary shock or sliding.
4. Carry out the tensioning of the blade availing, if present on the saw machine, of the appropriate calibration indicators, otherwise the correct value of load to be applied corresponds to 20 ÷ 25 Kg/mm2 of blade section. Compatibly with the working requirements it is advisable to slacken partially the blade at the end of the day or of the production cycle.
5. Lock the piece in the vice whereas the correct positioning and maximum clamping rigidity are basic to obtaining a perfect execution of the cut, in fact any abnormal movement can cause the ginning of the toothing and / or the breakage of the blade.
6. Draw as much as possible the blade guides near the work piece, so as to leave free the only portion of blade engaged in the cut and thereby avoid deviations and bending that would stress in an anomalous way the blade.
7. As all tools also the band saw blades need an initial running in order to obtain a better yield and a prolonged duration. The cutting edges of a new blade and further to the processing with which they are derived are sharp and in order to stand the impressed cutting forces, require a suitable adaptation process and smoothing. Proceed as follows:
- Select the cutting parameters according to the dimensional characteristics and the type of material.
- Set the appropriate speed of cutting.
- Reduce the feed of about 30/40% for low medium-alloy materials and approximately 15/20% for high alloy materials.
- Start cutting step by gently draw the blade near the work piece, so as to perform a sweet and non-invasive penetration. When the blade is fully penetrated into the work piece, increase slightly the feed and make the cut by checking that there is the correct formation of shavings. For following cuts, by degrees, gradually increase the feed up to the optimum value achievement.
- The running in cycle must be performed by cutting a total surface area of material of about 250÷ 350 cm2. During the running in operation, in case of excessive vibration or noise is possible to slightly reduce the rotation speed of the blade.
8. Once blade has been run in, cut with the recommended parameters.